Licensed Insolvency Trustees

Voluntary liquidation

Voluntary liquidation is an important stage in the life of a company that decides to cease its operations. It raises a number of issues, including obligations to employees and the best way to maximise the recovery of the company's assets.

As an administrator, it is essential to comply with the principles and rules to avoid personal liability in the event of breaches. This is why entrusting the liquidation of the company to specialised professionals is crucial, as it can reduce or even eliminate these risks. With our expertise and qualified professionals, we can help you maximise the value of your company's assets while meeting your obligations to creditors.

Voluntary liquidation is a difficult decision to make, but it can offer many benefits to business owners and shareholders. By entrusting the liquidation to specialist professionals, you can:

  • Minimise the risk of personal liability associated with liquidation

  • Maximise the recovery of the company's assets

  • Reduce the costs and time associated with liquidation

  • Ensure that your obligations to employees and creditors are met

  • Get personalised advice and support throughout the liquidation process

Our team of experienced professionals has the expertise to help you navigate the complexities of voluntary liquidation. We work with you to develop a bespoke strategy that maximises the benefits for you and your business.

What we offer

We offer comprehensive voluntary liquidation services for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. Our services include:

  • Valuation of the company's assets

  • Planning and execution of the sale of assets

  • Management of relations with creditors

  • Preparation of documents required by law

  • Support and advice throughout the liquidation process

By entrusting your liquidation to our team of experts, you can rest assured that your interests will be taken into account every step of the way. We work diligently to ensure an efficient and fair liquidation, minimising losses and maximising benefits for all concerned.

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of entrusting the liquidation of my company to professionals?

By entrusting your company's liquidation to professionals, you can minimise the risk of personal liability, maximise the recovery of the company's assets, reduce the costs and time associated with liquidation and obtain personalised support throughout the process.

What services are included in your voluntary liquidation offer?

Our services include valuing the company's assets, planning and executing the sale of assets, managing relations with creditors, preparing the required documents, and providing support and advice throughout the liquidation process.

How can I be sure that my interests will be taken into account when my company is wound up?

Our team of experts works diligently to ensure an efficient and fair liquidation, minimising losses and maximising benefits for all concerned. We are committed to providing you with personalised support and advice throughout the process.

Meet with an advisor to sort out your debt problems

Are you concerned about your financial situation? Our advisors have several solutions to help you regain peace of mind.

Our qualified team will listen to you and answer all your questions. Call us today!