Licensed Insolvency Trustees


Our expertise allows us to understand what government debt represents, as well as the many financial challenges that citizens and businesses can face. At Mallette Redressement financier, we are here to help you navigate through these problems and find solutions tailored to your needs and situation.

Understand the implications of having governments as creditors

When you find yourself in financial difficulty, it's important to understand how governments, whether federal or provincial, can become involved as creditors. Debts to the government can come from a variety of sources, such as taxes, overpayment refunds or consumption taxes.

Many people believe that debts owed to the government cannot be included in a proposal or that they cannot be discharged. However, this is a myth. At Mallette Redressement financier, we will assess your financial situation and help you understand the various options available to you to free yourself of this type of debt. Our goal is to help you regain financial stability and get rid of your financial burden.

It's also important to stress the importance of doing your tax return every year. By neglecting to do so, you run the risk of accumulating additional tax debts and finding yourself in an even more difficult financial situation. At Mallette Redressement financier, we can help you catch up and implement strategies to reduce and eliminate your tax debts.

Meeting with one of our advisors will allow you to explore all the options available to overcome your financial problems. Whether it's through a consumer proposal, a business proposal or bankruptcy, we'll work with you to find the best solution for your unique situation. Trust our team of experts to guide you through the process and provide you with the tools and resources you need to regain your financial health.

Frequently asked questions

Can this type of debt be included in a proposal or can I free myself of it?

Yes, government debts such as taxes, sales taxes, CERB and some student loans can be included in a proposal or discharged through other options. It's important to work with experts like the Mallette Redressement financier team to find the best solution for your situation.

How can I get out of my tax debt to the government?

By working with a licensed insolvency trustee like Mallette Redressement financier, you can explore different options such as a consumer proposal, a business proposal or bankruptcy. Our team of experts will guide you through the process and help you find the best solution to free yourself of your tax debts.

Meet with an advisor to sort out your debt problems

Are you concerned about your financial situation? Our advisors have several solutions to help you regain peace of mind.

Our qualified team will listen to you and answer all your questions. Call us today!